Dinosaurios de Cuétara – The Chocolate Cookie Surprise

Dinosaurios de Cuétara – The Chocolate Cookie Surprise


A dino’s dreams of chocolate cookies come crashing down in The Chocolate Cookie Surprise. Just when everything seems perfect, an unexpected twist from above ruins the moment. This animated short captures the humor of bad timing with vibrant storytelling and playful animation.

Created by 23lunes Creative Animation Studio.


Adam Foods

Animation Studio

23lunes Creative Animation Studio


Jordi García

Art Director

Bor Arroyo

Lead Animator

Héctor Muñoz


Angee Marcazzan

Character Modellers

Miguel Miranda
Luis Gaspardo

Character Animator

Marc Briones


Ricard Miras
Joan Martínez

Shading & Texture Character Artist

Oriol Corrales

Senior 3D Artists

Albert Pintor

Shading, Lighting and Render

Bor Arroyo

Compositing and Grading

Jordi García
Twin Pines (live action)

Music and SFX

Can Sons